How Can I Make Child Custody Easier?

Divorce Mistakes Network
2 min readMay 18, 2022


A parent with sole or joint custody of their children has a lot to think about. It can be a time consuming process, especially if there are issues between the two parents. The first thing to do is to consider whether you want to work together or fight it out in court. If you decide to work together then you need to find ways to make things easier for you and your child.

If you have joint custody then you will need to meet with the other parent regularly to discuss what is best for your child. You need to look at what each of you are doing for your child’s health, education and emotional well being.

If you have sole custody then you will need to make sure that you are meeting your child’s needs. This means looking at your child’s behavior, school progress and any other issues that may be going on in his or her life. You also need to make sure that your child is safe from harm.

There are many ways to make things easier for both of you when it comes to child custody. Here are some ideas that you might want to consider.

1. Meet with your child’s teacher and find out what they think about how you are raising your child. You should ask them if you have done anything that might be considered inappropriate. They may be able to give you ideas on how to improve your parenting skills.

2. Find out if your child has any medical problems. If he or she does then you should visit the doctor and find out what needs to be done. You should also find out what you can do to help your child recover.

3. Make sure that your child is getting the proper amount of sleep. If you have sole custody then you should make sure that you are making sure that your child is getting enough sleep. Your child needs sleep so that he or she can function properly.

4. If you are having trouble getting along with your ex-spouse then you should try to resolve your differences. If this is not possible then you should take steps to protect your child. You can hire a lawyer to help you.

5. You should also consider your child’s safety. If you are concerned about his or her safety then you should get a restraining order. You can also call the police and let them know what you are worried about.

Child custody can be a very stressful time for everyone involved. You should talk to your child’s teacher and your child’s doctor to see what you can do to make things easier for you.



Divorce Mistakes Network

I write about divorce issues along with my team.